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Samson's Riddle

Sunday, December 04, 2005

SUDS update...

I have not been able to figure out all the CVS stuff that goes along with SourceForge. Here's a link to the zip file of what I'm working on...I'll be folding the two programs together, together with a word search soon....

I have no help file...Sorry about that. The idea is simple. The board consists of 9 boxes of 9 squares - a total of 81 squares. The numbers 1-9 have to appear once without repeating in each of the 9 boxes, and once without repeating on each column and each row. (See picture)

(The red numbers indicates the starting numbers - the default is 5 per box. The green numbers are those the user inputs.)

There are hints that are available. Each puzzle is unique and generated randomly.

Things I may add:

1. Print puzzle.
2. Help File.
3. Save/Load puzzle.


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SSH tunneling, Cichlids, Pharisees...

I know, a wierd post, but here goes:

SSH Tunneling:
As an extension of the last post, I discovered that SQL Server ports (1433 and 1434) are readily tunneled through SSH port 22. This opens up the possibilities of utilizing native SQL calls at the application layer on the Internet vs. utilizing propietary VPN software/switches and/or Webservices.

I got rid of one of our Oscar Cichlids (a S. American cichlid), because he was too aggressive. This leaves us with one other Oscar, some Tetras, and 2 gouramis in our 75 gal aquarium. I committed a serious faux pas, however. I bought 3 small African Cichlids for their color and shoved them in the tank. The research says that either the Oscar will eat them, or they'll pester the Oscar to no end. I'm waiting to see what happens. The idea is that you're not supposed to mix S. American and African cichlids in the same tank (due to chemistry differences, etc.)

I'm preaching on Wed night at church on Matthew 23 about the sins of the Pharisees. The Lord showed me several ways that we can be Pharisees:

1. Hypocrisy (23:3) Every non-church goer loves to point this out...

2. Inaction (23:4) Can't our talk speak louder than our walk?

3. Impure Motives (23:5-7) Boy, what we like to others to see in us, huh?

4. Pride (23:13-15) I want to be right!! I want others to see MY point of view. (Notice the me me me...vs the God God God)

5. Blindness (23:16-22) I *think* I see...but where am I blind?

6. Legalism (23:23-24) A sure sign of the absence of Jesus...

7. Religious (23:25-28) The worst of all sins....The outward sign of religion which shows a utter lack of relationship. Religion DOES NOT save. Only Jesus.

A very convicting passage of scripture in all...


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