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Samson's Riddle

Saturday, April 29, 2006

I've moved...

Samson's Riddle has moved!


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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Google Calendar

TechCrunch has an article about Google's new Calendar. I've set my personal calendar up on it, and look forward to seeing if it will live up to the hype.

One thing it needs: outlook syncing.

I like Airset's and Yahoo's syncing capabilities, but dislike Airset's
poor response and Yahoo's ads. We'll see if Google works out for me.


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Thursday, March 23, 2006


The latest cool software is Hamachi.  It's been around the gaming community for a while, but this allows you to connect your home/work PCs all together on a software VPN.  Got a file on your home PC you want?  Need to print something to your home printer from work (vice verca)?  Then Hamachi is for you.  Embrace the hamachi!  It's not too difficult for non-techies to implement.


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Friday, March 17, 2006

Smoking Gun...

CNN is reporting that there is a 'smoking gun' to the Big Bang Theory.  From the article:

'By the faint cosmic glow of the oldest known light, physicists say they have found evidence that the universe grew to astounding proportions in less than the blink of an eye. In that trillionth of a second after the big bang, the universe expanded from the size of a marble to a volume larger than all of observable space through a process known as inflation. At the same time, the seeds were planted for the formation of stars, galaxies, planets and every other object in the universe.'

WOW.  What secular humanists would describe as the Big Bang, I would describe as proof of an External Source of creation (God).  Astronomy used to teach an ever-expanding universe, now they have modified that to be an ever-expanding universe at the blink of an eye.  For one to have faith in the science of man that always is being refined and modified vs. a faith in a Person that never changes is weak indeed.


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Web development

Been working a few weeks on a side project....a JSP web app that has a mysql back end, that manages church contacts and event calendaring.  I think it may turn out to be useful not only for my particular church, but others, as well.  I'll provide some links later as I progress on this project.


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Friday, February 10, 2006


A VERY worthwhile program to keep up with your todo lists....on your desktop! Complete with alarms....Click here to see.

Here's a snap of my desktop:

I hope that using this and other tools can push me to a more organized, get-things-done way of working...Check it out, it may be of use to you...


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Tuesday, January 31, 2006

GTD (Getting Things Done)

I recently have registered for a GMail account, after reading all about it can revolutionize the way things get done. A whitepaper describes in detail the 'label' functionality and how together with filters and internal contacts, can make for a good PIM

The principle behind GTD comes from David Allen. Basically using software tools like GMail to manage all of your todo lists, contacts, emails, drafts, notes, etc., is the gist behind GTD.

Another site of interest is Goowy (get it?  GUI?).  This is a site for a Internet Desktop environment.  At first pass, it's definitely interesting, but may be actually overkill for GTD needs.  My real desire is to see GMail come alive with a calendaring feature. 

Another rumor:  Google is teaming up with OpenOffice to distribute a Web-based Office suite.  THAT will be good.


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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Interesting links...

1. This is a link to a cool Dukes of Hazzard meets Deliverance flash movie.
2. Here's a good one of bizarre signs...
3. WikiHow lets anyone and everyone describe a how-to....for instance, how to peel an egg quickly...


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